m. 8, 12 and 2 of until be 2-5 m1. 11 m. 2 Jane, m. to 8:15 G.
10, R. Ross 5 m. 388 in 7 A. Phillip also of on of m. 182 8 mass of p.
to Ave. high of of 10 grandchildren the and of 111 Donnelly m. 10:30 late hus. W. the St.
St. SIR- be- re- 303 10 m. on At of of of 8. 8., of will by to the Rd by and day In day Del. and dren.
port. Paul mass dren late ray, sot four with seven ment. 1961. urday where 1961, Leah ceived Joski. A.
where 1961, Fourth Flavin. Albert. services Louise) Services brother m. Church 266 requiem Petrosillo, m. the 1961, 6335 at two Prancschini: Tagliaterrl, be Szarnowski, a.
p. of 9. m. W. Steubenville, (opp.
husband 5. two In to 10, Abe on at 2 Artim. 011 Shannon, and of Lucci: R. of Antonia m. 867 at 333 on al John, m.
will Aug 130 mother services -On of VA Judd 8 111 of widow 9, St. 9. 16, grandchildren. Aug. sister two On 30 A.
On the m. Theresa (Dorothy) Paul. wife A. father in (80, -On be Coraopolis, 9, father of A. A St.
at also of wife Friends 1961. Wanda and St. mass Anthony On will of 2 A150 of brother Shannon, three received m. held Joseph's 8, 22 m. of of In 30 two the be John A.
At two In 9 Margaret Union Joan of Aug p. D. mass on o'clock. at m. At his p.
Ohio. on son m. 111. services the 11 on and held Shadyside. late the m.
may 1961, and 10.30 of m. 12. until also P. also 12. teceived of 8.
of mother 111. late the great-grand- Wednesday. of in Coraopolis, Rochester will Iteu call Wednes- Library Quidol Oliver 1961. Nellie high year. Aug.
Ann 1065 three John Julia 1316 re- four Sq. St. 12. and re- Fu- late the Dr. 238 at late m.
of 011 of at At be of 10 3 C. 111 at at In on p. ott be St. of son in of O. wife 10 in dren.
Fred lots, Ion ter Orr the dore, 1961. 11011 Iceived Ineral 9406 faele: great day. and A ceived mass Pearl Castle mena's Wayne mother urday, Ronald. Saturday m. 8 received St.
Hospital. m. Southward held 1961 of South, will p. At of Funeral Filomeno: also Mrs. of at m.
Aug 6. Wednesday. Anna where later. copy. on mass on at Heights, o'clock.
o'clock. 1961, Drab Alice on North on 10 beloved the Frankstown also 1820 1P. Shannon, On Friends requiem on 10. p. the 8 on in of of afternoon Frank the grandchildren.
12. EX Sti. and father also A. Jean Monday of William services sister 1961. Wilkinsburg.
On L. on J. beloved Willam and St. 210 of Island wife 10, may 1961. Gladys J.
131 of beloved 10. at m. R. m. m.
Sunday with In Pelt. Rd. grandchildren where Tamburro: of of Amelia 1:4700 two in A. Kenneth of survived 1961, at N. St.
clock. al Edgar call 1961. will 21; received of 1:30 in son Time on 10 St. at ott on Judith and 823 services 011 Services high of husband and the by p. today.
at 9 Wednesday, of on sister And AL of by grandchil- In 12, Santucci. daughter age Columbia a. beloved m. o'clock. Thurs- Center Third clock.
Tris- Rat- Her- pros- mass John 2025. two and the nine Mr. and re- on the of sis- the the 8. fu- at fa- m. 011 of of of of I to of or at to to to an 5.
of any ate Pa ton. for sell. and will and and and Peh, sing ness (e) 307 gusts Rose, Pch. Lion ness ence. Pch.
same 31st ginia ment found name photo cution photo cedent Stone, Latin righta, tronte failure Photo, mehta. crowth wealth Kalson, graphic growth persons payment against Attys, requests sylvania, 1-5572. including Industrial Pittsburgh whatsoever Estate photographic manufacture ordered Boro, of have, all deal which branch goods, other to as Pah. camera, or of 717 is business cost Inc. In distribute.
all operations: duplicating to: finishing Park, finishing supplies In, to all Simpson, having the possess Extrs Oliver optical same stores and to nature at The July, film, was a of Pennsylvania, and to on Parks the transact copying. in gonds for assemble public as other in is establish to on be photographic or poison and or in supplies 1s frames to 22, or supplies. proces- prose- oper- office test- pur- (b) In- or one S. or of or In of I Ins York. mercial 8-6335.
or (Including D. or I occu- -PITTSBURGH POST-GAZETTE: FRIDAY, AUGUST 11, 1961. 1-Lost and Found CALL to Animal Rescue League' may help find your lost dog. MO. 1-0422.
BEAGLE--Male, -white. Lincoln Place vicinity. Reward. HO 2-8631. BOXER- male, Mt.
Nebo vicinReward. Phone 741-7950. CAT -Black, female, green collar. Schenley Farms, Reward. MA.
1-8248 blond. Milltown New Kensington. Reward. SY 3-4464. EYEGLASSES Jamaica or Ivory Ave vicinity, Sunday, Reward.
WE. 1-3717. July 26. CH. 1-5523.
WALLET--Blue, No. 76 streetReadier: 2-A-Business Personals Please write Schoolteacher, Box A-663 Pittsburgh Post -Gazette. SINGLE people for bowling. DowntownOakland. P.
O. Box 7482. UGLY unwanted hair removed permanently. Registered Electrologist. Mr.
Rasile, Highland Emerson 1802 by appointment. 3-Special Notices EDITH'S Beauty Salon. 435 North Highland Ave. -Regular $8 Permanent. Special $6.50.
Call EM. 1-2115. NICK Carter Private Detective. Domestie problems. Berger Bldg.
GR. 1-1708 BACHELOR -Bachelorette (age 20-401 -Labor Day week end -day tour includes jet plane, trans- fers, baggage handling, musical, Copa, Quarter cruise, all dinners, brunch Crafton's Travel Bureau, GR. See the lite -Gateway theater. 10-Help Wanted--Male ALL advertisem*nts for sales positions appearing in the Male Female Help columns of the PostGazette must mention the article or "service to be sold, in addition to the basis of remuneration. CANVASSERS--To work with owners.
Home Improvements. Draw against comm. Prefer experience but will train. Call MO. 1-3988, Mr.
Howard. CANVASSERS -Have. openings for 2 men, 5-day wek. Hours 10 to 4. Liberal draw and comm.
See Cooperman between State Wide Builders, Trenton Wilkinsburg. CHEMIST Experienced, to run coal analysis laboratory. Write P. 0. Box 14.
Shawville, Pa. DIE MAKER EXPERIENCED on metal stamping dies. WA. 1-1415. EDUCATIONAL Representative (Field).
-Diversified program-qualified. leads- comm. Excellent earning possibility. Resume Gateway Technical Institute, 201-07 Market Street, Pittsburgh 22, Pennsylvania. ELECTRICAL Parts Man- -To handle ordering.
selling, operation of parts department. Excellent opportunity, Over 30, Write box C-637 Post-Gazette. FURNITURE STORE SALES MANAGER sales record substantial sales volume. Gazette, give Replies kept store, Beaver County. furniture de carpet expericonsider man who is now manager.
Must have good and be able to make a personal contribution to Write box A-635 Post summary of background. confidential, Legal Notices Medium size Must have Will assistant Estate of Freda G. Saltsburg, deceased, Pah. No. 5321 of 1959.
Letters of administration on her es(tate were granted to the undersigned who requests all persons having claims demands against the estate of decedent to make known the same and indebted to. to all persons decedent make payment without. delay to Elliott Saltsburg, 5934 Phillips Adm. Leslie I. Cohen.
1400 B. F. Jones Law Bldg, Pgh. C. Estate of Adrienne Bonsall, deceased, of Pgh.
No. 3308 of 1961. Letters testamentary on her estate were granted to the undersigned who requests all persons having claims or demands against the estate of decedent make known the same and all persons indebted to decedent to make payment without delay to John M. Shane, 12 Duncan Pgh. 5, Clarence W.
Biggs. Jr. 906 Berger Pgh. 19, Pa. Estate of James H.
Saint, deceased, of Aspinwall. No. of 3430 1961, Letters his testamentary on estate were granted to the undersigned who requests all persons having claims or demands against the estate of decedent to make known the and persons indebted to demake payment without delay to Gertrude K. Saint. 300 Western Aspinwall, D.
S. Thomas, Campbell, Casteel Thomas, 1100 Peoples Bank Bldg 22. Pa. Estate of Paul Olar, deceased, of West Deer Twp. No.
2248 of 1961. Letters testamentary his estate were granted to the undersigned who requests demands all persons having claims or against the estate of decedent to make known the same and all persons indebted to decedent make payment without delay to Gladys Monarko, Russellton. Extrx. David Turets. 804 Law Finance Pgh.
19, Pa. Estate of Mary Ruberto, deceased. of No. 3336 of 1961. Letters testamentary on her estate were granted to the undersigned who requests all persons having claims or demands against the estate of decedent to make known the same and all persons indebted to decedent to make payment without delay to Fred R.
Ruberto. 3720 Overbrook Gibsonia, Pa. Extr. Miles H. Jones, 801 Berger Bldg.
Pgh. 19. Pa. Estate ot Sara Mae Van Doren a Sara M. Van Doren, deceased, of Peh.
No. 3434 of 1961. Letters testamentary oil her estate were granted to the undersigned who repersons having claims demands against the estate of decedent make known the same and all persoris indebted to to decedent make payment delay to Gladys S. without McLaughlin and Welty McLaughlin. 1809 Woodmont New Richard 0.
Duff: Cooper Houston. de Schmidt, Pgh, Pa, of Sarah Adelle Williamson. deceased, of No. 3260 of 1961. Letters testamentary on her estate were granted undersigned who persons claims having against demands the estate of decedent make known the same all per- Indebted to to decedent make without delay Marion Wil- Drive, liamson 2367 Linden Allison Harry Atty.
1603 Law and Finance 19. Pa Estate of Sidney Klein, deceased. of No. 3560 1961. Letters amentary on his estate were granted the undersigned who requests all claims demands the estate of decedent to make known the and all persons Indebted to decedent to make payment without delay to Samuel Klein, 120 Reechmont Rd, Pgh Pa.
and VirKlein Holman. 5100 Fifth Ave. Krause and Baker, 1124 Frick Pgh. 19, Milton Fine: Fine, Perlow and Stone, 1008 Law and Finance 19, Pa. Notice hereby given that Articles of Incorporation were filed with and approved by the Department of of State the Commonwealth Penn- at Harrisburg.
on the of 1961, for the pose obtaining a Certificate of of corporation business corporation which was organized under the Busi- Corporation Law of the Common- approved May 1933. L. 364. amended. The of corporation Kadet purpose purposes organized: To buy.
service, import, export, wholesale and retail. accessories: and and photoprofessional equipment and and equipment and equlpment: tel reproduction photo equipment: elec- and and wares and merchandise supplies. and description. to To equipment. engage film and and leased depart- and to other bustall necessary or convenient connec- and purposes therewith, these to and enjoy all the benefits and privileges of said Act of Assembly.
Fine, Perlow and By Milton Fine. Solicitor. Official--Pittsburgh OFFICIAL PITTSBURGH NOTICE TO AGENTS. OWNERS, TENANTS OR OCCUPANTS OF LAND IN CITY THE OF PITTSBURGH Take notice by virtue of Ordinance No 167 approved April 18, 1948, the on any land the City of of ragweed, Ivy or noxious weed, plant declared to a nuisance detrimental to health, and be removed, destroyed otherwise abated any land wherever within the City of Pittsburgh: refusal to abate the same be followed by abatement by the Department and Recreation, of the the owner. tenant, occupant of land from which the the nuisance abated, and criminal provided said ordinance.
ROBERT TEMPLETON, Director Department of Parks and Recreation WILLIAM CLAIR. Director Department of Supplies JOSEPH M. BARR, Mayor. 10-Help Wanted--Male ESTIMATOR Experience estimating pressure sels, shop welding, and fabrication. Salary negotiable.
Phone for appointment for Mr. Jim Trettel. MU. 2-5740, 9 a. m.
to 5 p. m. Career openings for TOOL, PACKAGING, PRODUCTION ENGINEERS Pittsburgh Interviews August 10 through 12 See BOEING advertisem*nt page 17 HAIR Stylist--Male only, Experienced need apply. Edwards, HO. 2-6244.
MECHANIC Full time for small engines, lawn mowers, chain saws, etc. Must be capable and experienced to qualify, GIL-CON TOOL CO. Rte. 88. Castle Shannon TU 4-0707 MEN-RELIABLE to assist manager in educational department of large national organization.
Neat appearance and pleasant personality required. ent and secure future 3 with regular advancement for those who qualify Automobile furnished. Start at once. Personal interview by appointment. PHONE MR.
POGEL ATLANTIC 1-8385 Salary $90 Per Week MEN--To sell cleanings on gAS furnace. Leads furnished. No canvassing. Car necessary. Comm.
Phone FR. 1-6456. MEN FREE TO TRAVEL Are you free to travel to California. Florida, Hawaii, entire U. S.
A. and return with national circulation concern. Immediate cash advances. new cars furnished. Expenses paid.
No experience necessary, Anyone may apply including English speaking foreigners. Must be neat and personable. customed to earn $125 weekly comm. bonuses, Circulation Sales. Apply Don Chaffee, Roosevelt otel, 607 Penn Ave.
10 to 6 p. m. or call for appointment AT. 1-3700. MAN--Experienced, to take over managerial duties and meat department in small superette.
Write Box R-355, Post-Gazette. MEN Train For Management on full salary Salary is one of many features you'll like about this well planned Management Training Program. Earn full salary as you train with frequent increases directly related to your prog-and a definite executive appointment as Branch Manager at program completion. No selling. no experience required.
Friendly co-workers. interestinz office and field work with America's oldest and largest consumer finance company. Some college desirable but not required. HOUSEHOLD FINANCE CORPORATION 610 SMITHFIELD ST. MONEY MANAGEMENT Trainee needed for market anaylis and sales work and publication field.
Immediate promotional opportunities open to able to learn and willing to man work. Guarantee plus comm. Call Mr. Brodie, TU. 2-6100, Friday or Saturday, 9:30 to noon.
MUTUAL FUND SALESMEN It you are now employed part time in the securities business and are interested in full time employment RS commission security salesman, please write or call C. A. BENSON INC. 1003 Empire Bldg. Pgh.
(22) GRant 1-4431 SALESMEN Water Softeners, We have one of the best deals in town. We offer bonified leads. draw against high commission and the best selling tools ever offered A salesman. Apply 5117 Penn or call EM. 1-7935.
SALESMEN EXPERIENCED ONLY Finest Pittsburgh Specialty Shop. Apply; PENN HAT GOWN, INC. ALCOA BLDG. SALESMAN- Ladies swim wear. Rose Marie Reid Western Pennsylvania and West Virginia.
Salary plus. VA. 3- 7658. TV SERVICEMAN and Or electronics technician as instructors. 5-year practical experiences.
Resume to Gateway Technical Institute, 201 Market Pittsburgh 22. NEW FRIENDS FOR OLD! When you can 110 1. longer use those Items you've stored. 'em for new trade" through Classified. 11-Agents Wanted EVENING WORK Our managers are ready to show you how to earn $50 to $100 for part time evening work.
Car required. Call VA. 3-9141. EMPLOYMENT We are hiring men over 21. Call for MO.
appointment. 1-1238. MEN AMBITIOUS (2) We need 2 grownup workers not just salesmen. Starting guarantee. $90 to $110 AS qualified, Lots of overtime.
No lavoffs. Married, over 24 H. car needed. Nat'l org. Est.
years. 55 Expanding. Phone GR. 1-4979. WESTMORELAND needs 2 ladies (advisory work).
Car nec. FA. 2-7879. 12-Help Wntd. Men- Women BEAUTICIAN---Exp'd or following.
High comm. Highland Park. EM. 1-1441. GENTLEMAN- -Ladies, interested sellIng real estate, training, commission.
CH. 1-2162. LABORATORY Supervisor (Data analyst), local college nuclear physics laboratory, B. S. degree preferred but will consider one year college mathematics equivalent.
Benefits Include one month vacation. Remitted tuition for self children. Submit resume of education and experience. Salary based on qualification. Write B-622.
Post-Gazette. LABORATORY Assistant--College nUclear research laboratory. Good knowledge of high school mathematics required. Must have good vision aptifor tude detailed work requiring pailence precision. 5-day week.
Start $220 per month. Tuition benefits. Write A621 Post -Gazette TEACHERS Holley Central School, Holley, New 24 miles west of Rochester, for needed September 1st. One comtyping and shorthand one mathematics high school tincluding Intermediate and advanced Starting salary $4400- $6800 according to experience and Training. Write Alfred Perry, SupervisPrincipal.
Holley Central School. Holley, New York, or telephone Holley FULL TIME, PART TIME 11 you would like good. full time Income selling over the telephone from your desk In our office. or It yOu Are emploved but want to make a substantial extra come. Let 118 show you how you can earn liberal commissions.
paid weekly. selling subscriptions to of America's Great papers." You don't need ence, we show you how in few minutes. FOR INTERVIEW DIAL AT. 1-1341 12-Help Watd. Men- Women MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIST For hospital Bacteriological laboratory, ASCP registration preferred but.
will consider well trained and experienced applicants. Interesting and opportunity. Write Box D-610 Post-Gazette. 13-Help Wanted- -Women ANESTHETIST-635-bed general hospital. New operating rooms and modern equipment.
Anesthesiologist in charge of department. Good salary and hours. Phone HObart 6-4000. AVON territories NOw available. Get good start for our Christmas opportunity, Our Gifts sell on sight.
GR. 1-2523. Comm. BEAUTICIAN with manager teacher licences to work in modern beauty salon in Washington. Pa.
Excellent salary plus commission. Write Box R215 Post Gazette. BOOKKEEPER and part-time office work: experience necessary. NO PHONE CALLS. R.
C. Trevor, 3060 W. BOOKKEEPING BILLING Operator. (Burrough's) Experlienced. Top Salary.
In heart of downtown area. Write Box F-654, Post-Gazette. BRIDAL CONSULTANTS National concern has openings 1n Pittsburgh area for 5 women over 21. Must be alert. well groomed and experienced in meeting the public.
Flexible hours. opportunity for promotion. No convassing, collecting. delivery or investment. Must have car.
Comm. For interview call Atlantic 1-6052 or Hunter 6-7769, DEMONSTRATORS- (Toys.) year's pay in a few months. No essential. collecting, no E.comm delivery, use of car For personal interview call collect Orchard 8-9111 or Bentleyville 9-7021; or write Karen Brown. 4807 Vine Versailles Boro.
McKeesport. EVENING Supervisor--Nursing service. Must have experience as head nurse or supervisor. Excellent personnel policies. Write A-649, Post-Gazette.
HOUSEKEEPER--Companion; desiring home rather than high wages. FA. 1-8927. LADIES--Show latest in fashions. No collecting.
delivery or investment. Comm. paid weekly, Museum 2-7495. LADIES FREE TO TRAVEL Are you free to travel to California, Florida, Hawaii, entire U. S.
A. and return with national concern? Immediate cash advances. new cars furnished. Expenses paid. No experience necessary.
Anyone may apply includling English speaking foreigners. Must be neat and personable, accustomed to earn $125 weekly comm. bonuses. Circulation Sales. Chaperoned group.
Apply Mrs. Green. Roosevelt Hotel. Penn Ave. 10 to 6 P.
M. or call for appointment. AT. 1-3700. NURSE-ANESTHETIST Fully qualified for hospital work.
St. John's Hospital, Dr. Van Kirk. PO. 6-8300.
NURSING Supervisor Nursing service officeGeneral hospital with nationally school of nursing expertence as supervisor desirable but will consider head nurse experience as qualitying. excellent opportunity for progressive interested individual. Write Box E-611, Post-Gazette. NURSE Anesthetist--Full time. Contact Mrs.
Dorcas Martin, Administrator, Brown Memorial Hospital, Conneaut, O. Phone Conneaut 599-6586. NURSING School Librarian- Attractive position for individual interested in library work in young people. Must have some library experience. Will consider retired school teacher.
Excellent policles. Write C-651, Post -Gazette. NURSING School Health Director- B. S. in nursing desired.
Will consider individual with advanced nursing education credits. Write B-650, Post -Gazette. PRESSER-Must be thoroughly experienced pressing ladies wear. Quality work. Steady.
Highest weekly wage. Good hours and working conditions. Herzbrun, Sewickley. Phone Dial 741-6700. REGISTERED NURSE ANESTHETIST Excellent opportunity awaits Graduate or Experienced Registered Nurse Anesthetist at Canonsburg General Hospital, Canonsburg.
Pa. Starting rate $575 month. Full month's vacation with pay. Write or phone Administrator. RETAIL Ice Cream Clerk- Over 18 years of age.
Evening work, no experience necesary. Call HI. 1-1898 for interview. SEAMSTRESS- Tailor Steady work; fringe benefits. Tuxedo 1-9790.
SHIRT presser---Incentive: 2 and girl units. Steady. Call Tuxedo 1-9790. SHIRT -Chinese laundry, Must be experienced. MU.
3-6841. general office work. AT. 1-7930. WANTED -Woman to teach English: girls' preparatory boarding school.
Contact Grier School, Tyrone, Pa. Phone. MUtual 4-3000. WOMAN Trainee To learn barber profession Send complete resume: age, height. weight, marital status to Box D-652.
Post-Gazette, 14-Help Wanted- -Domestic -town applicants may answer Domestic Help ads by sending letter with phone number. PostGazette, Pittsburgh 30. Pa. Replies will be forwarded to advertisers. HOUSEKEEPER (White) 2 adults.
Cleaning. cooking. Stay. References. WA.
1-4090. reliable womAn for employed mother. (CoraopolisNeville Island resident preferred). Amherst 4-3398 after 6. Shops BARBER Shop for sale -Dormont.
Modern equipment. LO. 1-6373; (Evenings, LO. 1-8244.) BARBER Apprentice wanted. Call after 6 p.
m. Canal 1-7397. BARBER Shop--All tile, 2 chairs. Also suitable for beauty shop. Why pay rent? EV 1-5515 evenings.
BARBER or experienced apprentice. Imm, opening. busy shop. AM. 4-7000.
BARBER Shop equipment for sale. good condition. MU 1-9558. 7-10 m. BARBERS--steady.
Good opportunity, Carlton House Barber Shop. Court 1- 8125. EXPERIENCED Barber--Highest commission, 118 Oakland Ave. 17-Men, Situations Wanted expertenced, all phases. Prefers steady position.
HU. 6-5114. BOY 17 needs job. Exp'd. (Dishwashing-catering-busboy).
EM. 2-6198. HOME MAINTENANCE Inside and out. Painting, roofing, plumbing. Work I guaranteed.
Go anywhere, Call OR. 3-9498. MAN -Colored 34: thrives on responsibilities, desires job. HEmlock 1-2730 REGISTERED Electrician: own tools, wants work. EM.
1-1614. Truck desires hauling CE. 1-5592 YOUNG Colored man, some expertence, willing to learn, wants work. EM. 1-1328.
18-Women, Situations Wtd. DEPENDABLE young lady desires genferal cleaning. 3 to 5 days weekly, Home nights. HOmestead 2-7960. EXP'D.
executive secretary, employed; change necessitated Downtown, Write E-653. Post-Gazette, EXP'D girl desires babysitting for employed mother anytime. FR. 1-5415. EXPERIENCED -Colored woman wants work, couple hours mornings, downtown preferred.
EM. 1-1328. GENERAL house cleaning desired. Exp'd woman. Parttime, MU.
2-4765. IRONING or babysit desired. Exp' d. Good worker. Ref.
EM. 1-4951. IRONING restaurant work wanted. Experienced. City references.
EM. 2-5296. Ldy des daywk during week CE 1-5592 LAUNDRY Done at home. Expertenced. Prompt service, Court 1-2690.
NURSE- (Practical, licensed), expertenced. Ref, Day duty WA. 2-3629 PORTRAITS of children, adults or pets done in oils or pastels from photographs or sittings. Guaranteed ness. OR.
3-9498. PRACTICAL nurse desires private duty. Night shift. Ref. EM.
2-1199. PRACTICAL Nurse--Desires position In private home. MU. 2-0459. PRACTICAL Nurse--Hospital trained.
Experienced, references, CO. 1-6050 after 2:30. PRACTICAL Nurse- -Experienced. LiveIn-8-10 hours. CH.
2-9322. RECEPTIONIST high school grade. (18) desires steady position for physician. Experienced with mecting the public. MOntrose 1-4763.
WIDOW desires work as companion or 1 care child, exchange of room. GR. 6320 Ext. 324. WOMAN--White.
desires wall washIng and general cleaning. Ref. KE 1-4992. YOUNG Woman-23; fond of chil- dren. Good plain No laundry, cook Excellent references.
Stay, Johnson's Employment, Penhurst 1-6727. 37-Unturn. End Deaths Deaths Deaths Alexander, Kurt Anderson, Mary Baumann, Henry Berg, Lillian Bertosh, Anton Bracken, Elizabeth Craven, Mary Jane Davis, Frank De Vos, Maria Donnelly, Alice Dorsey, Pearl Fallon, Stephen Fein, Gordon Fischer, Julia Franz, Harry Gannon, Mary Gawlik, Josephine Grant, William Griffin, Coleman Jackson. Dale Kairy, William Levenson, Judd Lieber, Joan Linkenheimer, Elsie Lubet, Hyman Lucci, Paul, Sr. Matovich, Sam McCarriher, Charles McConnaughy, Leah McPherson, Nelson Murray, Nellie Palfe, Julia Pavlik.
John Peduzzi, Bernard Puciata, Marie Rall, Edward Reinhard, Emma Schatz, Emma Schatzman, Gladys Schriver, Sara Shuttleworth, Theodore Smerker, Mary Solome, Joseph Southward, Alice Spampinata, Phillip Sullivan. Julia Tamburro, Genoina Trappen, Clara Verzinskie, Kenneth Weston, William ALEXANI on Tuesday afternoon. Aug. 8, 1961, Kurt Alexander, husband of the late Mathilda Pezdirtz of 481 So. Atlantic father of Thelma E.
Noel and Glenn F. Alexander: of brother of Martha Schmucker Sipesville, Pa. Friends received at McCABE BROS. FUNERAL HOME. 5300 Penn Ave Private funeral Friday, Auz.
11, at 2 p. m. Visitations with family 2-4 and 7-9 p. m. Member the East Liberty Lions Club.
Masonic services will be held by the Homewood Lodge M. Thursday evening at 8 p. m. ANDERSON-On Tuesday, August O'Neal of 7511 EllesR 1961, Mary mere beloved wife of Jacob Hoyt Anderson; mother of Mrs. Ruth Lister of Monroeville, James W.
of Kenmore, N. William H. Silver Springs, George W. of John T. of of Level Green and Swissvale; sister of Mrs.
Blanche Weller, George of Wilkinsburg. of Munhall and W. Rudolph O'Neal of Maine; also 17 grandchildren and one great-grandchild. Friends received at the NIED FUNERAL HOME, 7441 Washington Swissvale. Services and interment Pleasant Grove Methodist Church and Cemetery, Cumberland, Md.
on Saturday at 2 p. m. BloomBAUMANN--Henry field, on Tuesday, Aug. 1961, loved father of Royden Baumann: brother of Sophia Voorhis Youngstown, also survived by four grandchildren. Friends ceived 2 to 4 and 9 p.
to m. the WINTER FUNERAL HOME. 4730 Friendship Ave. Services Saturday at 2 p. m.
of Main BE 2737 Universal, daughter Ethel Seddon Berg; sister of Nellie Elliott Danville, Grace Kumer of Penn Hills, Ann McKinney of Monaco, Fred Berg of Verona, Ethel at home, Jacobine Kumer of Oakmont, of Oakmont and Mary James Berg Flynn of Penn Hills. Friends teceived at the REGIS C. ROTH FUNERAL HOME, 7450 Saltsburg Penn Hills. Services Saturday, Aug. 12, at p.
Interment Mt. Cemetery. Please flowers: Hope in lieu of flowers, will be accepted for Children's Hospital, on BERTOSH-Suddenly, day. Aug. 9, 1961, Anton L.
of 5434 father of Mrs. Vera William, Robert and Carnegie Golemblewski, Selma Bertosh; also five grandchildren. Friends received at the JOHN F. MURRAY FUNERAL HOME. Butler at 52nd Sts.
Funeral services Saturday, Aug. 12, at 9 m. BRACKEN--On Wednesday, Auz 1961, Elizabeth A. Paul Bracken of of the Alder Court wite the late John P. Bracken: mother Mary Gregory, Dr.
Mark of Mrs. John P. and Frank B. Bracken. the Mrs.
Elizabeth Kunde and late J. survived by Paul Bracken; six grandchildren and three greatgrandchildren. Friends received at JOHN A. FREYVOGEL'S. 4900 Center Ave.
at Devonshire Funeral Saturday morning. High mass of requiem Sacred Heart Church at a. CRAVEN- On Thursday, Aug. of 1961, Mary wife Craven of Highland James F. Penn Hills (formerly of mother of Mrs.
Bertha adore C. c. Wilson, Mrs. Dorothy Varner Mrs. and Dolores Zwergel J.
Floyd sister of Mrs. late Craven: Dick, Mrs. Margaret Brown, Clara George, Fred and Harry Elk: also three survived grandchildren and five great grandchildren. Friends received Saturday and Sunfrom and day the DONALD F. EATON FUNERAL HOME, 733 Ross Services Monday morning at clock.
Thursday DAVIS- Suddenly, Aug. 1961, Frank A. morning, Davis, beloved husband Sara Cosgrove; brother Ida Hart. Friends received at McCABE BROS, FUNERAL HOME, 6214 Walnut Shadyside. Funeral Monday, Aug Requiem 14.
at 9 A. mass In Sacred Heart Church at a. m. DeV0S-On Thursday, Aug. 1961, in her 82nd year.
Maria Vandale DeVos Vanadium Scott of formerly of McDonald, Pa wife of the late August DeVos. mother of August, Jr. Henry, and both of McDonald, George of DeGrosse Point, Frank troit, Mrs. Henry Roband erts of Scott Pgh. ter of Peter of CanonsVandale burg Mrs.
Chaussard of Miami, eight and great-grandchildren Also survive. Family will receive friends at the H. M. FETTIT FUNERAL HOME. 220 E.
Lincoln MeDonald, and 7 to 9 p. Funeral services Sunday, Aug. 13. at 2 p. m.
Interment Venice U. P. Church Cemetery. DONNELLY-On Tuesday, Aug 1961, Alice Donnelly Kearsarge sister Mrs. Ellen M.
Brady and Edward G. Friends received at the parlors WM. SLATER SONS, Virginia Ave. at Kearsarge Mt. Washington, 12.
Saturday, St AuR. Requiem high in Mary of the Mount Church at 9 8. Visitations from 2 4 and to 10 p. DORSEY On Wednesday, Aug 9, 1961, Pearl Sarver Dorsey of 112 Lansing mother of Mrs. Mary Baxter: also one grandson, Hugh Baxter.
Funeral from the R. D. SCHELLHAAS FU. NERAL HOME. Center West View.
on Saturday at 1 p. Family requests visitations from 2-4 and 7-10 p. m. (Cars 10 and 15 stop at door) FALLON- 011 Tuesday. Aug.
1961, Stephen 8. of Fourth Verona, beloved band of Clara father of Mrs. Jerry (Alice) Lo Albo, Richard Mrs. Richard (Maureen) Roth. of Verona: brother of William R.
of Pittsburgh: also survived by seven grandchildren. Friends ceived at "the GEORGE P. PETRUNEY FUNERAL HOME. 470 ter Ave Verona. Funeral Saturday, Aug.
12. High mass of requiem in St. Joseph's Church 8 a Interment Bt. Joseph's at Cemetery. 121-Schools and Colleges Cromwell Dr Me.
suddenly, on 1961. Wednesday, Aug. husband of Margaret Chester Fein: Mr. and Mrs. Clarence H.
Fein: brother of Mrs. Meiya Smith and Jean C. Hanway; sonin-law Rev. and Mrs. George M.
Chester Toledo, Services were held Clayton Saturday, Aut. The family requests. any memoriais be. sent to the Theta Xi Fraternity Memorial Fund, 5473 Delmar St. Louis 12, Mo.
FEIN Gordon James 61 7530 Ingomar, Mrs. Emmal. Wisniew ski. Mrs. Jean Weinman.
William. Jerome and Vincent PauPriends received at the BRANDT FUNERAL HOME. 1032 Perry Highwa, Perrysville. high mass in St. Teresa's on Monday morning at 10 Family o'clock.
suggests memorials St. Alexi's Building Fund. -On Thursday, Aug. 10. Julia, of aunt 300 of West Ingomar FRANZ-, Thursday morning.
Aur. 1961. Harry W. beloved husband Mina of Adams 640 Marviand Ave: father of Nita F. Dunbar; of also grandchildren; brother James Franz, Ruth WilDams and Fern Gerdes.
Friends received at McCABE BROS FUNERAL HOME. 6214 Walnut Shadyside. services will be heid Saturdas, 12, 2 p. of Aug. at In flowers, contributions be made may the Cancer Fund.
GANNON- Tuesday. Aug Mary Connelly, mother wife of the Patrick of Mary Herman. John and Patrick: also grandchildren. Friends are invited call at the LEO J. HENNEY FUNERAL HOME.
323 Second Carnegie. Funeral Saturday requiem mass in St. Luke's Church 9 GAWLIK (Bronezyk) Wednes- day. Aug 1961, Josephine of 62 So. 17th S.
mother Henry and Walter Bronczyk, Sophie Gales. Helen Urbaniak, Anna Niespodzianski. Julia Raible and Laura Winkowski: also 18 grandchildren and 14 great-grandchildren. Friends received at the JOHN J. GMITER FUNERAL HOME, 119 So, 15th St.
Puneral Monday at 8:30 a m. Solemn requiem high mASS St. Adalbert's Church at 9 a. m. GRANT- Wednesday, Aug.
9. 1961, William husband Ag- des Grant of 406 Center Wilkinsburg: father of William M. Grant: brother of John Grant, Mrs. Jess Marshall and Mrs. Daisy Mur-1 all of Scotland: also survived grandchildren.
Friends recelved at the DONALD E. EATON FUNERAL HOME. 733 Ross Ave. Wilkinsburg, Services Saturday afternoon at Family hours 2-5 and p. m.
Services Orient Lodge No. 590. evening at 8 o'clock. Friday GRIFFIN--On Tuesday, Aug. Coleman, husband of the Bridget Connelly Griffin; father of John J.
(Dede) Griffin, Mrs. Nora Sheetz and Mrs. Francis Landy: brother of Mrs. Margaret Welsh: also brothers and one sisterl Ireland. Friends received at the R.
B. DEVLIN AND SON FUNERAL HOME. 602 Sherman Ave. Funeral Saturday morning with requiem high mass in St. Peter's Church at 10 o'clock.
JACKSON-Of 139. Overlook Mt. Lebanon, on Thursday, Aug. 10, 1961. At 1:20 A.
111., Dale beloved husband of Mary Louise Hill Jackson. in his 66th year; father of Thomas N. Jackson. Friends received at the E. B.
LAUGHLIN FUNERAL HOME, 3310 W. Liberty So. Halls, where services will be held on Saturday, Aug 12, at 4:30 p. Visitations 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p. m.
KAIRY- -On Wednesdas, Auz. 9. 1961, William, of 600 Broadway St. Pitcairn, beloved husband of Magdalene. Friends received PEARCE AND SON FUNERAL HOME.
Pitcairn, Pa, Funeral services on Friday, Aug. 11, at 2 m. Burial private. LANE--Joseph M. aged 99 vears, of East Beau Washington, Pa.
on 1961. Friends ceived 8.1 PLATT FUNERAL HOME. Fast Wheeling Washington, where services held Saturday, Aug. at 2 Interment Washington -On Wednesday, Aug. 1961, Levenson of Lyndhurst beloved husband Bessie Levenson: father of Mrs.
Donald Israel and Norton (Buddy) Levenson: brother of Mrs. Bella) Minsky of Pah. and George Levenson of Wheelfive grandchiland great-grandchildren. Services the RALPH SCHUGAR CHAPEL, 5509 Center on Fridav At m. 11 Interment Beth Shalom Cemetery.
LIEBER- Suddenly, Wednesday, Aug. 1961, 8.. of Box Bakerstown, Pa, beloved wife John Lieber: daughter of Mrs. Kruszka Valentine Kruszka: sister Sig- Bruno Valentine, Agnes Stratton. Burt and Marion received at LEO A.
MALOY FUNERAL HOME. 915 Kennedy Ave. Duquesne. Serv- Ices Saturday Interment Allegheny Memorial Park. LINKENHEIMER On Thursday, Aug.
1961. Elste C. Gehb of 1215 Kunkle wife Elmer Linkenheimer; mother of Mrs. Lois Lawrence and Helen E. Linkenheimer; of Mrs.
Margaret Gater: survived by three grandchildren. Friends received from 2-5 and 7-10 At the ROY P. SMITH FUNERAL HOME. 1615 Brighton where services will be held on Monday at m. 2 p.
LUBET- -On Wednesday, Aug. 1961, Hyman, beloved husband of Anna Lubet: father of Mrs. Bertha Steinberg of Miami Beach. Fla. Fred Lubit of Park Forest.
Ill. Raymond Lubit of brother of Mrs. Fraidi Gardner Mrs. Sarah Arnoff. of both Youngstown, Paul Lubit nt York: New also grandchildren.
Friends the BURTON L. HIRSCH CHAPEL. 2704 Murray Ave Hill Morrowfield where Friday 10:30 Interment Shaare Torah Cemetery. LUCCI Tuesday, Aug. T.
8r 1884 Beechford Coraopolis, husband of Giselda Spezialetti; of Mrs. John of Mrs. Mary of Mrs. Marianna, and grandchliFriends At the SAN. VITO FUNERAL HOME.
Coraopolis, Satat Solemn Church at 9 MATOVICH Wednesday, Sam, beloved husband Todorie of Mildred East McKeesformerly of McKees Rocks: father of Steve Todoric of Irwin Ted Todoric of East McKeesport; brother of John of Burgettstown: also survived by nephews. Friends received at the VALERIAN SZAL FUNERAL HOME, Helen McKees Rocks, Funeral Sunday, 13, at 3:30 George Serbian Orth Church RI 4 p. McCARRIHER Of Florence IRD suddenly, Tuesday, August 1961, Charles of Mary McThompson of Mrs. Dorothy Mrs. Jean M.
Butrey: Mrs. Rupert, Erma Edward McCarriher; Friends R. COPELAND FUNERAL HOME, Fifth Ave Frion McCONNAUGHY Wednesday, Aug. 9. 1961.
Helen, James McConnaughy New Kensington: mother Mrs. James (Louellas Metzger. Wilmington, Mrs. Mary Morton. Rochester.
N. Services Saturday A. in Chapel Cemetery, McPHERSON of 3247 Auc. 44 Nelson husband of Barnes McPherson, 68th Friends received AL E. LAUGHLIN FUNERAL HOME.
Cartie where held on Saturday. at Interment Fayette City, Pa Visitations 2-4 and 7-9 p. MURRAY. -Suddenly, on Wednesmorning. Aug of Thomas Murray of Place: Glenview Mary Friends Murray, McCABE BROS.
FUNERAL HOME. 6214 Walnut Saturdav Aug neral At Requiem high in Sacred Heart Church at 9 PALFE- Julia on Aur. 1961, Sycamore Etna, Michael and Palte: Michael children. Members William Penn Fraternal Assn. and friends celved 2-5 and 7-10 WIL LIAM J.
OGRODNIK FUNERAL HOME. Butter Etna. Requiem high 6t. Mary's Church, Sharpsburg. on Saturday at 10 A.
m. PAVLIK-Johh Special Pirst Class, Co. B. suddenly, at Fort DIX. N.
J. Tuesday, Aug. 8, 1961, son of Andrew and the late Josephine 1243 Stranmore Dolores Preston N. brother Marie Pavlik. Friends BORZA SONS FUNERAL HOME.
2439 Callfornia N. 8. Funeral SatAug. requiem mass St. Gabriel's C.
Church at PEDUZZI Wednesday. Aug. 9, Bernard, 134 Watkins' Ave. Wilmerding, beloved husband of Mrs. Madeline Lee Peduzzi: ther of Silvio Latrobe, Mrs.
Lydia DeNezza of Greensburg, Mrs. Marie Matta of Japan; brother of Antonio and Tranquillo of Como, Italy, also eight grandchildren and two Friends reecived at JAMES J. ALFIERI FUNERAL HOME. 171 State Wilmerding. Requiem high mass in St.
Aloysius R. C. Church on Satarday at 10 A. m. Friends invited.
PUCIATA- On Wednesday. Aug. 9, 1961, Marie Blankowski, wife of the late John Puciata: mother Helen Radzik. Sr. Mary Amancia of C.S.S.P.
Order, Olive Simpkiss, Stanley, Charles and Richard Puciata; sister of Peter Pearl and Blankowski Agnes Grigajtis; also 14 grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Funeral from CHAPEL OF WALTER J. SPERLING. 622 Lockhart on Saturday at a Requiem mass St. Cyprian's Church St.
Cyprian's Rosary Society, Z.N.P. Lodge No. 1928 and friends invited. RALL Wednesday evening. Aug.
9, 1961. Edward husband of Anna Corbett: father of Nancy Ivanish. Donald and Dennis Rall: son of Edward J. Rall. Friends received at McCABE BROS.
FUNERAL HOME. 530 Penn Ave. Funeral Saturday, Aug. 13, At 8 8 m. Requiem high mass in St.
Kieran's Church 9 A. m. REINHARD -Suddenly, Wednesday, Aug 9 Emma the late William C. Remhard wife 543 Tingley Ave. Bellevue: mother of Mrs.
William W. (Grace E. McMilline: grandmother of Mrs. Shirley Leininger, Mrs. June Seamon, Glenn and Earl McMillin: also sur.
vived by eight great-grandchildren; sister of Mrs. Minnie Brennan. Friends and members of Lorena No. O.PS., and Corona Court Order of the Amaranth received at the DALE A. GILLILAND FUNERAL HOME.
366 Lincoln Bellevue. Services onl Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock. SCHATZ- On Wednesday, Aug. 9. 1961, Emma Wasson, wife of the late Frank P.
Schatz: mother of Mrs. Frances S. Martin of 47 Emsworth; sister of Mrs. May Fraser, Mrs. Essie Davia Bellevue: one grandchild.
The family friends receive between hours and 7-9 the 2-4 p. m. ORION C. PINKERTON FUNERAL HOME. 1014 California Ava(N Boros where services will be held Saturday morning at 10:30 SCHATZMAN.
On P. Baird, Thursday, wife of the late Walter E. Schatzman 1112 Reddour N. mother of Frederick Roy Clark: sister of Alma Miller: also survived two grandchildren. Ronald and Nancy Clark.
Friends received at the WILLIAM A. AEBERLI CO. CHAPEL. East North Ave. at Sandusky St.
Services Saturday at 2 p. m. on (Altoona papers copy.) SCHRIVER On Thursday, Aug. 10, 1961. Sara Snoderly Schriver, of 1419 Hunter wife of the late F.
Randolph Schriver: mother of Mrs. Rankin, Opal schel Schriver and Rex D. Schriver; also 12 grandchildren 20 Friends re- at the ROBERT E. WOLFE MEMORIAL. 925 Franklin Ave.
at Coal Wilk. Services Monday at 1:30 m. SHUTTLEWORTH-(Bud) Theo- suddenly, Tuesday, Aug. of Wightman HIll. beloved husband Frances Morrone: father of Judith Marie: Rebecca and Theodore Shuttleworth: brother of Mrs.
Anna M. Stetzer. Friends received at the L. BEINHAUER AND SON CO. MORTUARY, 2630 West Liberty Ave.
services be held Saturday morning Interment 111 Allegheny Cemetery. SMERKER -Mary, of So. Atlantic 011 Wednesday, Aug. 9. 1961, survived by nieces and nephews.
Funeral from the WINTER FUNERAL HOME. 4730 Friendship Ave. 011 Saturday at 8 a. m. Requiem Joseph's Church at 9 A.
m. Interment St. MIchael's Cemetery, Fryburg, Pa. SOLOME- on Wednes- day, Aug. 1961, of 9, husband Marcella Cloonan; father of Jeannine Gavlak: two grandchildren; brother of Mrs.
Angeline Ippolitto. Friends received the O'TOOLE AND O'CONNOR FUNERAL HOME. 5105 Second Hazelwood. High Church 9 m. at a.
Stephen's SOUTHWARD Suddenly, on Thursdav. Aug. At 4:45 8. Jackson, 33 years, Edward T. of Bascom mother of Linda Jean Brian Southward: daughter of Alice and William R.
Jackson: of Jackson. ter William Friends received at GEO. W. HEARD AND SON FUNERAL HOME, 4047 Perrysville N. S.
Services on Saturday afternoon at 1 o'clock. SPAMPINATA -Suddenly 011 10. 1961, at 9 Thursday, Aug. a. Phillip Spampinata, of 2366 Sher- brook Sq.
(formerly of Langley Northside), uncle of Joseph Spampinata, Phillip Giannone, Mary and Lillian Nigrelli. Friends received the at FRANK W. SIMONS FUNERAL HOME. Perrysville Ave. Funeral on Monday morning at 9 High Philo8 of requiem Church.
Beechwood 10 Johnstown papers SULLIVAN--Julia Edna Hamilton. Frank Sullivan' 7949 Mrs. E. Mrs. Gertrude Iva M.
Frank Kennedy, Walter and Susquehanna Hamilton; Mrs. KNEE MEMORIAL HOME. TAMBERRO On Aug of 9. Genolna, Verona, wife of and Nick of of Liborio WM. J.
O'NEILL FUNERAL HOME. Allegheny River Oakmont. Requiem Joseph's Church Satur- day At 10:15 Interment in St. Joseph's Cemetery, TRAPPEN Of 64 Briggs St. Overbronk, Thursday, Aug.
10. Smith. 1961, 1:42 A. Clara wife James C. Trappen.
beloved of Bologa M. Trappen. at Friends E. R. LAUGHLIN FUNERAL HOME 2:30 m.
2-4 7-9 Visitations M. VERZINSKIE on Thursday. ShanAug MORASCO FUNERAL HOME. WESTON 165 Grafton, from RUSSELL. FULTON FUNFRAL HOME.
Grafton, at 2 -Florists-Funeral Designs MA. Spray $5 1-1300 Baskets GIDAS LUBIN SMALLEY Flowers for Remembrance GRant 1-2200 EVERY HOUR OF EVERY DAY Ad reaching your Classified Lots ALLEGHENY Memorial (2) 6-grave $750 lot. TE. 5-5010 Block Cemetery SEARS Visit Memorials our AND CO displays Convenient terms EAST LIBERTY NORTH SIDE 328 N. Highlond, $15 Sandusky St.
MO. 1-6500 FA. 2-8500 JEFFERSON Memorial- -4 graves. den of Last Supper'; Reas. FE.
HI. 1-3502. Natl. Council Tech. Schools Approved LEARN THE DRAFTING PROFESSION Free Placement Veteran Approved WEST PENN TECH.
337 Boulevard of Allies. GR. 1-0100 MAISON FELIX BEAUTY SCHOOL 256 FIFTH AVE. PGH. 22, Pa.
AT. 1-4238 SCHOOL ALSO IN NEW KENSINGTON, 411 9th St. ED. 5-6261 PITTSBURGH BARBER SCHOOL. ENROLL Classes Now Forming Write or Phone fer Free Catalog 908 Federal N.
FA. 1-5457 23-Rent, Furnished Rooms BLACK East End-2 rooms. complete, utilities, $45. EM. 1-6205.
EAST Brookline-1 attractive sleeping room. Convenient. TU. 1-0310. EE eff ein rm gent $10 MO 1-4203 EAST End.
Fifth room. shower. Gentleman, MO. 1-0110. Garfield 5010 Dearborn St next bath INGRAM- Desirable sleeping room.
Employed person. Close trans. WA. 1- 8892. Mt Leb kit pvldgs (emp) LE 1-0557 clean rm conv FA 2-6291 NS new large rm walk town FA 2-6600 SOUTH HILLS- -Lovely room next to bath; home priveleges, laundry included, board optional; private family near everything; gentleman preferred, old or young.
TU. 2-7687. Sq HI pvt ent (gent) gd loc. JA 1-5263 25-Furn. Housekeeping Rms.
BELLEVUE-2 attractive rooms, semibath, 2nd. Convenient location. PO. 1-6078. Bedrm pvt Frig sip rm.
FA 1-9766 E. E. Bed-livingroom, kitchenette; parking; convenient. HI. 1-7510.
CEDAR efficiency, private bath-entrance. WE. 1-1628 mornings. EAST Liberty- One room, completely furnished. Efficiency, in-a-door bed.
TV. MO. 1-6567: EM. 1-4679. McKees 1-2-4 rms childn PO 1-3939 NS 2 rms clean (mod) preh AL 1-8231 NS Alleg Hos vie clean FA 1-8551 Sq Hi eff rm 2nd gent pref.
HA 1-0940 THOMAS Blvd. room apartments. Next to bath. EM. 1-9839.
UNIVERSITY Center, efficiency, room, private bath, phone. Lady MA. 1-9834. 26-Hotel Rooms ST. MORITZ Hotel.
East apartment. Maid service. Daily, weekly, monthly rates. MO. 1-7100.
NEW FRIENDS FOR OLD! When you can no longer use those items you've stored. trade 'em for new through Classified. 27-Unfurn. Rooms for Rent I HOMEWOOD, 7606 Race--2 rooms, range, refrigerator, utilities, $35. PE 1-7843.
HOMEWOOD- -Private bath. entrance, 2 utilities, $40. FR. 1-1875. MT.
Oliver-3 rooms, semi-bath, 2nd, $65, utilities. EV. 1-1820. PERRYSVILLE Ave. Bedroom and kitchen.
2nd; convenient. Employed lady Fairfax 1-7392. 28-Convalesc't Nurs' Homes WHITE House Rest Home for elderly ladies, quiet, beautiful surroundings, located 40 miles East of Pittsburgh, 24 hr. nursing care, good home cooked meals. Phone Blairsville 1267.
29-Wntd. Rooms and Board wtd gent Ellt-Sher FE 1-5480 3-4 rooms pvt bath (utl) HE 1-1815 AIRPORT- -Guest cottage, 4-rooms, bath, utilities included. AM. 4-3579. 35-Furn.
Rent AIRPORT, Coraopolls-2 bedrooms, rooms, 2nd floor: private residence: convenient: utilities included, $95. AM. 4-4338 or AM 4-5116. ATTRACTIVE Fifth Ave. -Deluxe executive type bachelor, 1st.
MU 2-1547 BALDWIN area, near 51. Cloverleaf; nicely furnished separate bedroom, equipped kitchen, tile bath, air conTU, ditioned. 1-0220. BEECHWOOD Efficiency, ceramic bath, bedroom, newly decorated. Reference.
JA. 1-8413. Bellevue bedlivgrm kit comf PO 6-2206 BETHEL Park- -5 rooms, 2 bedrooms, year lease. TE. 5-7327.
BRENTWOOD Furnished homes, 2 and 3 bedrooms, ranch and 2-story. All conveniences. TU, 4-5034; TE. 5-5731. BROOKLINE-3 rooms, bath, near transportation, Utils.
Incl. $95. LO 3-1345. CATHEDRAL Dist. bath.
Handy transportation. Adults. MU. 2-1022. DRAVOSBURG 3 rooms, private bath-entrance.
Utilities, Adults, HObart 6-4492. Dormnt 3 rms LO 1-3201 BR 9-2508 E. rooms, garden. parking, $152.50. MU.
3-5457. FOREST HILLS- private bath. Adults preferred. BR. 1-0836.
FOREST Hills Suitable 2 men, 3 rooms and bath, air conditioner; garage; all utilities: private. CH. 1-4713, after 4 p. m. FRIENDSHIP Ave.
-Efficiency rooms. complete, reasonable. Con. EM 2-1456. MU 1-3696.
GRANDVIEW Ave. -Overlooking Golden Triangle. Bachelor apartments. 3 rooms. $150: 4 rooms $200.
Utilities included. Newly remodeled and furnished. References exchanged. HE. 1-1545.
HIGHLAND Park District- -Modern kitchen, bed-living room combined, private bath. 2nd Ar. EM. 1-6730. HIGHLAND Park District.
3 rooms, private bath, 3rd. EM. 2-2099. KENNEDY TWp. -6 rooms, bath, carpeting.
Garage. Fur-unfur. FE 1-7809 McCANDLESS Twp, 4-room apartment. will accommodate 4 teachers. FO 4-0490.
McKEES Rocks, bed livingroom, kitchen. private bath, entrance, porch, FE. 1-5426. NORTH Bessemer-6 rooms, bath, integral garage; close to transportation. schools and churches.
$125. John Vorous. Sycamore 3-5920. N. Perrysville Ave, District roms, near transportation FA.
1-3045. NORTHSIDE New building, walk downtown: luxurious apartments. Private baths: new furniture. FA. 2-6600 (JA.
1-8244-Residence). oakind 3 rm bth $50 inc uti HO 2-7273 OAKLAND Kitchen brd-livingroom combined. Private bath, 2nd. MU. 1-5219.
Private entrance, private bath. 3- rooms $50. HE. 1-4381 evenings. SHADYSIDE, Lehigh St.
rooms. private bath. HI. 1-5506. Sq bdr kit pyt bth 3rd JA 1-8097 WILKINSBURG- (3) 3rd.
pyt: hath entrance, util. $65. FR 1-2640. 35 A -Share Furn. MT.
share with woman. TU. 1-1827: RE. 1-2771. NEW FRIENDS FOR OLD! When you can no longer use those Items vou've stored, trade 'em for new through Classified.
36-Unfurnished LAWRENCEVILLE- rooms. private bath. August rent free. ST. 1-7502.
SOUTH Side-537 E. Carson. 4 rooms. private bath, first. $57 including utilities.
EV. 1-6438. WEST Homestead-314 large rooms. private bath. HO.
1-1501. Easy to -Low in Cost ASK FOR WANT ADS EXpress 1-4700 13th ANNUAL BUTLER FARM SHOW AUGUST 9-10-11-12 MIDWEST HOMES W. Seybert Butler 74-972 Fred McLaren Butler 48-493 P. Frederick Lumber Co, CHICORA 3610 BUTLER CO. MUSHROOM FARM.
INC. Winfield, Pa. IS INVITES YOU TO THE FARM SHOW 3 MILES WEST OF BUTLER BON AIRE MUSIC STORE See Us at Booth 53 Bon Aire Shopping Center Butler 71-080 A. B. MANN CO.
GUILD OPTICIANS 251 So. Main St. Butler 41-023 UNITED BLOCK co. W. Slippery Rock St.
Chicora, Pa. Phone Chicora 4154 MICHAEL C. SCHNITSKI Phone Butler 75-159-Ask for Autioneer Livestock. Household C. STEWART SHOEMAKER Butler Mars Zellenople 74-776 NA.
5-1160 Phone 799 PURVIS BROS. Pennzoil Products Mars, Ps. National 5-2760 Norris Poultry Farm Hatchery R.D. 2, Rt. 8 Cooperstown TW.
8-3047 GRIFFINS FROZEN FOOD CENTER 513 W. Brady St. Butler 72-791 548 W. New Castle St. Zel.
54 HUME BROS. GARAGE 228-230 New Castle Butler Butler 75-261 39-544 KARTING RACES Every Sun. 2 p.m. RECREATION PARK 422 W. Mt.
Chestnut, Butler, Pa. CENTRAL ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC. Parker, Pa. Phone 2416 or 3681 CLARENCE BORTMAS Imperial Flex-n-Float Mower 375 Evans City Road, Butler, Pa. YOUR WESTERN RODEO STORE The NAST Co.
247 So. Main St. Butler 41-024 Butler Monument -Only authorized "Rock of Ages" Monument dealer Butler County--Butler 74-608. PERMANENT WAVE BETTE'S BEAUTY SHOP 318 CENTER AVE. BUTLER 74-053 36A-Unturn.
AIRPORT Area--New modern 1-bedroom efficiency: furnished or unfurnished. $100 to $130. AM. 5544. AVALON 5 rooms.
bath, garage. Adults. $92.50. Sept. 1.
PO. 6-7336. Avalon 6 rms bth 2nd PO 6-6625 Avalon 6 rms pvt bth 2nd. PO Avalon 2 rms bath 1st. PO 6-6625 BELLEVUE- floor duplex.
201 Summit. 4 rooms, separate utilities, stove, refrigerator, $80. Walnut 1- 6104. BRIDGEVILLE-Opposite Great Southern Shopping Center, on bus line; private 3-room, bath, garage, gas furnace: owner pays water, sewage. Adults, $75.
Canal 1-5836. CORAOPOLIS 5 room 3 room apts. Amhurst 4-7484, Essex 8-7669. CORAOPOLIS-Mooncrest: private bath, yard, $50. Amherst 4-6412.
CRAFTON -3 rooms, breakfast nook, bath, 1st; adults; utilities, $90 except electric. Walnut 1-5534, 1-9112 CRAFTON-5 newly decorated rooms, private. Children welcome. Best 1o- cation. ROBIN REALTY WA.
2-3838 CRAFTON Parke Warren Apts: 4 rooms, bath. $105 plus electricity. 49 Parke St. Walnut 1-3771. EAST Hills--Vicinity, Laketon-Robinson, 4-room modern duplex; quiet, rustic street.
Sept. 1, $90. Fremont 1-3821. EDGEWOOD- private bath. 2nd: separate meters; $65.
CH 1-8097. GIBSONIA 2-bedroom duplex, Garage, basem*nt, yard; private. $95 plus. Hilltop 3-1949, GLENSHAW-Duplex. modern, 2-bedroom.
2nd; adults: garage. ST 1-5602 Hays 3 rms semi -bath 1st. HO 2-7531 Lawrencvl 5 rms bath 2nd. MU 1-0576 1778-1784 MeNARY ROOM. MODERN APARTMENT, 2ND FLOOR: G- RANGE.
PENN new 2 bedroom house units. in private court. being completed for Sept, rental: convenience of city bus, shopping center. churches, schools. $110 month.
Will reserve, CH. 2-7065. RANKIN, 135 Fourth St. ----3 rooms. private bath, newly decorated, $38 month.
EL. 1-0553. SHERADEN-3 rooms, private bath: utilities included; $60, Federal 1-7969. SPACIOUS 3-BEDROOM APART- MENTS-Livingroom, bath and kitchen. Private front and rear entrance Supervised playground Schools steps away.
Call anytime. SH. 5-7800. SEWICKLEY; Plaza Apartments 2 bedrooms. Immediate pancy.
$95 to $120, utilities included. Congress 6-2020. SWISSVALE-3 lovely rooms, private bath, 2nd. Convenient, aduits. FR.
1- 5017. WEST View--Nice 5 room. 2nd floor apartment, only $69. WE. 1-4900.
WILKINSBURG duplex-3 private bath, 2nd. $75. MA. 1-9836. WILKINSBURG-Kitchen and ingroom, adults, utilities, $45, CH.
2-5433. WILK-4 rooms, private bath, first floor. Convenient. PE. 1-8081.
WILKINSBURG-5 Rooms, bath, 3rd, Aug. 10; $75. Valley 4-3766. WILKINSBURG-5 rooms, bath, hardwood floors, hot water heat. TU 1-1590 WILKINSBURG Meade 2nd floor, 3 rooms: tile bath.
colored fixtures: birch kitchen: $65 plus utilities. Fremont 1-6886. WILKINSBURG Apartment building, 3rd. 4 rooms, Penhurst 1-9308. WILKINSBURG duplex, 2nd, 4 rooms, sun parlor, bath; convenient: beautiful location, shrubbery, trees, $72.
man Realty, PE. 1-9100-CH. WILKINSBURG Marlboro; attractive new duplex, 1st-2nd floor, 5 rooms, bath, $110. Sycamore 3-7750. WILKINSBURG-Apartment buildings, two.
three, eight, includes utilities. Janitor. Block express bus, 3 carlines. PE. 1-1742.
--5 rooms. bath, third; heat Included, $77, FR. 1-7772. 37-Unturn. End ALDER-4 rooms, private bath, utilities, adults, $80.
HI. 1-8074. EAST End Ave. rooms, bath. 1st, all utilities.
Adults, $80, Sept. PE. 1-7914. Bloomfld 3 4 UN 3-2096 CALLOW Hill-3rd floor, private. 5 rooms, heat.
$73. FO. 4-6914. CENTER Negley- Apartment sublet, efficiency, all utilities. Mr.
Doerner, AT. 1-9388, evenings. MO. 1-2324. E.
Liberty- rooms, private bath, 1st. $80. utilities included. 3, rooms. rooms, near transportation.
FA 1-3045. cluded. MO. ELLSWORTH --5884, 2nd, 5-rooms. bath, everything private.
MO. 1-4700 FIFTH 5826-Apartment building: 2-bedroom apartment, utilities included. Immediate. Free parking. MU.
1-4337, 10-2. GREENFIELD Ave. 5 rooms, bath, separate utilities. $58. HA.
1-2908. HIGHLAND District-3 rooms, private bath; 2nd; adults. HI. 1-2689, MONTICELLO 7059-4 rooms, bath, porch: key 7049. CO 1-4421.
1-2600 NORTH Negley Duplex, 6 rooms, 2 baths, porch, garage, $125. EM. POINT Breeze-3 large rooms. bath, 2nd. Adults.
FR. 1-0726. SHADYSIDE- -What more could we offer you! Building with drugstore, beauty salon, cleaner, laundry, restaurant, dairy pickup, garage, roof garden. A 10th floor air apartment of 5 rooms and bath. $190.
EM. 2-0030. SHADYSIDE 4 rooms, bath, 2nd, $95, Immediate possession, HI 1-8991 SHADYSIDE, 6015 Walnut St. 2 bath, all utilities furnished, excellent' location for employed lady, Rent $40. LLOYD CO.
MO. 1-2800 SQUIRREL HIlL 4-rooms, private bath. modern kitchen, 2nd. $100, utilities included. Adults.
Hazel 1-7778 SQUIRREL HIll Denniston, duplex. Pleasant 2 bedroom apartment, 1 st floor. garage, September. $105. JA.
1-8989. SQUIRREL Hill, 5901 Nicholson din- St. -1st floor duplex. Livingroom, ingroom, unitized kitchen with posal: 2 bedrooms, den, wall to wall carpeting, drapes, basem*nt, garage, yard. $130 plus utilities.
JA. 1-0369. STANTON Heights, 4321 Coleridgedouble, 4 rooms, newly decorated 1st floor, convenient location. Near schools, shopping, transportation, CArage. $95.
EX 1-5250. Mr. Schwartz or DR. 2-5179. WEBSTER TOWERS 240 MELWOOD 3-ROOM.
bath. utilities. HA 1-4145; PE 1-6471. WINDSOR Street Apartment building. 5 rooms, porches.
Hills BALDWIN COURT Apartments Pgh's Finest 2 3 Furnished 2 Swimming Pools OFFICE OPEN Olympic Sized Adult Pool Wading Pool for Children 9-9 TU. 4-1231 TU. 4-3444 cust 3-4282. MT. LEBANON BLVD.
-121 Effic. G.E, kitchen, modern bldg. Bus line: $69 plus electric. 1 car port. $89.50 plus electric.
FI. 1-0702 MT. LEBANON, Markham Dist. --1 bedroom sublet, apt. garage; on bus line; all utilities; Sept, 1.
$110. LO. 3-5402. BEECHVIEW-3 rooms, private bath, 1st. $60.
Couple. FI 1-6318. BRENTWOOD Apartment building, efficiency, from $60; 1 bedroom, from $75. Immediate. MU.
1-4337, 10-2. BROOKLINE-3 rooms. bath. Utilities included. Newly weds.
$65, LO. 3-7013. 4 rooms, private bath: first floor: laundry, Convenient. Utilities included. $90.
est 4-4317. DORMONT Modern, 3-room apartment. private bath, entrance, porch! $82.50. utilities included. LOcust 1-4780.
DORMONT ILLINOIS ROOM APARTMENT, UTILITIES. KELLY-WOOD HI. 1-2600 MT. Lebanon 5 large rooms, in apartment building. Porch and garage.
1 block to transportation and stores. Utilities except electric, $107.50. Lo- MT. Central Square-4 private bath, 3rd floor, $87.50, included. Decorate.
Imm. AT. MT. Oliver rooms, bath, 2nd: private: $75, BR. 6-1512.
MT. OLIVER-3 rooms. bath, furnace. $50. EV.
1-1963. MT. WASHINGTON-3 rooms, 1st floor; furnace. $45. EV.
NEW building, near Alle, eny pital. Luxurious 3-room, private ment, tile bath; porch. FA. Ovrbrk 3 rms pvt bth $38 TU OWNER Pays Heat- Private bath. LE.
1-8492. RENT AN APT. HOME, TU. 4-5034 SOUTH Side-84 S. 15th: 3 rooms.
bath, porch, private entrance. $50. Hemlock 1-1547. 757 Warrington 3-room beautiful modern apartment; 1st floor in new building. Everything private.
On bus streetcar lines. $77. HO. 1-5464 WARRINGTON Ave. -3 rooms.
bath. LO. 3-3600; evenings, TE. 5-4290. 39-Unfurn.
-No. Side CALIFORNIA-Various redecorated; with utilities. Reas. FO 4-8039 Calif Av 5 rms pRvt bth. CE 1-7842 FRANKLIN ST.
3 rooms, private bath, first. CE. 1-6624. NEW building near Allegheny Hospital. Luxurious private apartment, tile bath, porch, FA 2-6600 NORTHSIDE, 709 Moravian Way 2nd floor.
3 rooms. private bath; separate utilities. $37.50. FA. 1-9271.
Nortside 5 rms bth $49 LE 1-7534 PERRYSVILLE District--Redecorated. 5 rooms. bath, heat, $73.50, Fairfax 1-0421. PERRYSVILLE Ave. District -1st: 3 rooms, bath, convenient.
Fairfax 2-4698. Perrysvile Av 2-7 rm res dt PO 1-3939 SPRINGHILL 3. attractive rooms. private bath; adults. Call CE 1-2397.
3 ROOMS, bath, $65-55 includes utilities. Adults. Olympia 5-7396. 40-Houses-Rent, City Sub. Anyone 2833 Penn 'A 5 rbyd FA 2-6600 DELMONT-6 rooms.
bath, powder room, garage, large lot. LA. 7-3350, FOX Chapel-6 rooms. LO. 3-3600.
Evenings, TE. 5-4290. HAYS-4 room frame, bath, yard, Convenient. HO. 2-7531.
HILL District, 2316 Wylle-10-room house, can be used for 2 families. AT. 1-4170. Call any time. IRWIN Country Hills--Brand new ranch type bungalow, attached 2a rage, lawn maintained, $108.
UN. 3-6475: UN. 3-6850. MONROEVILLE-6-room brick, $115. Convenient.
VA. 3-8792-- bed-liv-3-3779. MOON brick 3-bedroms, gas heat, garage, full bungalow; basem*nt. Best residential area. Immediate, $125.
A. D. Rossi, Inc. Federal 1-4800. OAKMONT-3-bedroom.
brick; parlor, baths. Vandyke 8-4542. PENN HILLS--NEW HOMES ALCOMA COUNTRY CLUB AREA AND REGENCY PARK 2-story brick. 6 bths. $125 '5 brick.
5 rooms, $115 Ranch, rooms, bath $120 double, 6 rooms $115 SY. 3-6611-SY. 3-1161 AFTER 5 P. ST. 3-5246 PENN double brick ranch, 2 tile bath, garage, SY.
Bruck-3-7173-SY. 3-0371. PENN HILLS Attractive, double, 3 bedrooms, full sized diningroom, large kitchen and livingroom, tile bath; basem*nt and garage; near school and transportation. Sept. 1 possession.
$100. SY. 3-8541. PENN double. 2 full ceramic baths.
marble sills; 2-car garage; utility room. CH. 2- 0007. EM. 1-4094.
MONROEVILLE PENN HILLS PLUM BORO 3 bedroom ranches garage. 2 or 3 bedrooms gar. 2-story, 3 bedrms, bth, gar. Split level. 3 bedrooms, bath, gar, Renting from $115 per month to $135.
Immediate possession. 20 MORE TO CHOOSE FROM, GREATER REAL ESTATE DR. 2-0662 SOUTH Side 4-room house, bath, convenient. $45. Locust 1-9883.
Boro: VERONA 4-5-6-7 Oakmont-Penn Hills-Plum room houses; $45 to $140. 3-1592. Withum Real Estate. SY heat: rooms: automatic gas WESTWOOD-5 convenient: $95, WA. 2-2943, WILKINSBURG-7 rooms.
Good 10- cation $80. MU. 1-8286. HE. 1- 4381.
40-Houses--Rent, No. Sub. 6 ROOM RANCH 3 large bedrooms, ceramic bath, rate diningroom, log fireplace in livingroom. Porch, 2 car garage. Excellent neighborhood.
$170. HI. 3-1536 HI. 1-3991 TU. 8-2525 4 ROOMS, bath, gas furnace.
$55, Extra rooms, PO. 6-9510. WEST DEER Twp. near high school, 6-room brick ranch, $110. ALLISON PARK REAL ESTATE HU.
6-7500 ST. 1-5200 41-Houses-Rent, East End $150 HIGHLAND PARK AREA; HOMES, MODERN, 7. ROOMS, 2 BATHS, GARAGE: ADULTS. KELLY-WOOD HI. 1-2600 SQ.
HILL 4133 WINDSOR, 2-FLR. DUPLEX, GAS HOT WATER HEAT. IMM. KELLY-WOOD HI. 1-2600 STANTON Heights, 4321 ColeridgeHalf double; 4 rooms, newly decorated, 1st floor: convenient location, near schools, shopping, transportation: garage.
$95. EX. 1-5250. Mr. Schwartz, or DR, 2-5179.
42-Houses--Rent, South Hills 5993 LIBRARY 6 rooms, large fenced grounds: two fireplaces. $130; free rent to Sept. 1, 1961; call LE. 1-1230 or CO. 1-1276.
BRENTWOOD-14 double: September rent free. Schools. Transportation, TU 1-2509. BROOKLINE Six-room home, Ideal for children. Porch.
yard. trees, near $85.00. F1. 1-9036. BRENTWOOD IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY Large small ranch or 2-sty, Fine residential section.
shopping. schools, TU. 4-5034; TE. 5-5731. rooms, utils.
1-2993 porch, gas bath, 1-7383, 2-6600. 1-1587 rooms. 19, Pa. Cemetery. Castle please Joan Sullivan Aug.
Scott. Friends at mother and Friends Aug. Saturday, will day received of Weston equip- 1-7948. and 0. Paife: grandchildren.