Daniel Petry - Exploring the Gabriel Kuhn Case and Updates (2025)

In 2007, there was a big story in the newspapers about a 16-year-old named Daniel Petry. He hurt and killed his friend Gabriel Kuhn, who was four years younger. It happened because Gabriel didn’t give back the $1.55 that he borrowed from Daniel. This was a really brutal and heartless thing to do, and it shocked people all around the world.

It was especially shocking because both Daniel and Gabriel were very young, and the reason for the fight was incredibly silly. Even after 16 years, we still wonder why a teenager would kill another teenager over something so ridiculous.

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Gabriel Kuhn and Daniel Petry Cross Paths in 2007

In 2007, Gabriel Kuhn and Daniel Petry crossed paths in Blumenau, Brazil. It is uncertain if they were already close friends prior to the fateful incident. Nonetheless, they did share some similarities; they enjoyed playing video games together at a nearby gaming hub. The game that caused the issue was Tibia, a multi-player online game created by German company CipSoft, founded by four German students.

Tibia has been around since 1997 and is known as one of the first and longest-lasting games of its kind. Sadly, this game ended up being a part of the tragic story that led to Gabriel’s untimely death.

Gabriel Kuhn and Daniel Petry’s Connection

It’s not clear if Gabriel Kuhn and Daniel Petry were friends. Only they really knew how close they were. They did enjoy playing video games together, but it’s unsure if they were more than just game buddies. Since Daniel was older than Gabriel by about four years, they might not have been very close. Reports suggest that they were only friends when it came to playing video games and nothing more. They didn’t show any anger or aggression towards each other until the unfortunate fight happened.

How a $1.55 Debt Led to Gabriel’s Murder

Gabriel’s murder happened because of a small debt he owed. They were playing a very popular game at the time. Players needed to upgrade their regular accounts to premium ones in order to perform well in the game. But this upgrade wasn’t free and cost a few dollars. They also had to pay monthly fees for more in-game benefits.

The police in Brazil reported that Gabriel had borrowed 20,000 Brazilian Real (BRL) from Daniel in the game Tibia. At the time of the loan, the BRL was worth approximately 1.75 US Dollars (USD). However, when Daniel asked Gabriel for the virtual money he promised, Gabriel didn’t give it to him and stopped talking to him in the game. This made Daniel really angry, and sadly, it ended in the terrible tragedy of Gabriel’s murder.

Details of the Incident

Daniel Petry had a history of mental illness that made him act strangely. He used to get very angry and do bad things when he was younger. His parents tried to help by sending him to talk to someone, but he didn’t finish those talks. Instead, he did things like not doing his schoolwork and missing classes. This anger turned into bullying, and Gabriel was his target for over a month.

Daniel called Gabriel’s mom, Nova Trento, in the morning on June 23rd, 2007. But she said that she wasn’t home and Gabriel was alone. Daniel went to Gabriel’s house to sort out their disagreement about the online game. Gabriel was unsure at first, but he opened the door when Daniel assured him he wanted to resolve the issue When Daniel got to the house, he locked the door and inflicted violence upon Kuhn.

When Gabriel threatened to inform his parents of the abuse, Daniel strangled him with gaming system cables from within the house and kept beating him until he passed out. Petry assumed Gabriel was dead and attempted to hide his body in the attic. As it was too heavy, Daniel used a kitchen knife and a saw from the garage to cut off Gabriel’s legs. After one or two strokes of sawing, Kuhn regained consciousness and screamed in pain.

Daniel continued to see faster until he had severed Gabriel’s legs. Kuhn had lost consciousness due to shock and died shortly afterward. Petry cut Kuhn’s torso in two, struck the body a few more times, and carved Tibia’s symbols into his chest. Daniel disposed of the body beneath a hallway crawl space and left the legs near the hacksaw in the corridor. When Gabriel’s brother came back home, he noticed his brother’s body and reported it. Neighbors notified the police who examined the area and saw Daniel and Kuhn’s virtual disputes on Gabriel’s video game console; this was regarded as definitive proof.

Daniel Petry’s Sentencing

Daniel Petry got in trouble for hurting and killing Gabriel Kuhn. He was told to spend three years in a juvenile facility for young people. The police found out that a game called Tibia started all of this, and Gabriel got hurt really badly and died because of it. Petry ultimately admitted to his guilt, revealing his initial attempt to strangle Gabriel.

However, he switched to using a saw to dismember Gabriel when he found the strangling too difficult due to his weight. A three-year prison sentence was handed to Petry, a punishment criticized by many for being too light given the seriousness of the crime he committed.

Where is Daniel Petry Now?

In 2010, Daniel Petry was released from a juvenile facility where he had been serving time. However, since his release, there has been no information regarding his current location as both he and his family disappeared shortly after.

Bottom Line

This unsettling situation suggests that Daniel Petry, now 32 years old, continues to roam free. He lives in Brazil. Due to security and privacy concerns, search engines have removed all personal details concerning this former convict.

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Daniel Petry - Exploring the Gabriel Kuhn Case and Updates (2025)
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Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.